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Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan arrested in dramatic courthouse showdown

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan arrested in dramatic courthouse showdown

Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan was arrested while entering the Islamabad High Court for a hearing in one of the many cases pending against him since his ouster last year.

Khan was taken into custody by paramilitary forces from the court premises in a dramatic manner that has raised questions about the merits of the case.

Leaders from his party, Pakistan-Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), have alleged that the police entered the court, smashed the glass window of the room where his biometric data was being taken, and dragged him outside.

The arrest comes a day after the country's powerful army accused Khan of leveling baseless allegations against a senior officer of the spy agency ISI. The arrest has led to protests by PTI supporters, and the Islamabad police have warned that action will be taken in case of violation.

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